What I’ve heard
“Your thoughts will heal or kill you” podcast with Marisa Peer - “The way we feel really comes down to the pictures we have in our head and the words that we say. It’s as simple as that”
One of the best podcasts I’ve listened to in a long time! With so much wisdom, there is just loads and loads in here.
What I’ve seen
Mission to the edge of space – It’s a bit old now but this documentary from red bull TV, with unseen footage of the five year mission behind Felix Baumgartner’s historic free fall jump from the edge of space to Earth in October 2012 is gripping and really enjoyed getting behind the scenes of this incredible feat. Michael Gervais (who I love listening to and following) talks a lot in his various podcasts about this being one of his biggest achievements in working as part of this team, and we get to see how he helped Felix overcome his crippling and unexpected fear of claustrophobia from the space suit, which risked stopping the whole program.
What I’ve read
The Common Ingredient for Team Success by Adam Grant – Counter to many project teams which are temporary and collaborate on single projects or where companies focus on recruiting certain individuals – Adam Grant makes the case why companies should focus on shared experience and keeping groups together even in hiring decisions and especially when recruiting….